Saturday, April 30, 2011

Young Friends

Ava just seems to love Patrick. Tonight while we were at dinner at Mel's house, she sidled up to him and gave him cuddles and then attempted to put her shirt over his head... now this one I am a little worried about, I hope she grows out of that move!

It is funny because sometimes it is Olivia and Patrick getting into mischief then having a little fight and other times it is Ava and Patrick having fun together. It is nice that they can all play together nicely... well usually they do! No relationship is perfect of course.

I look forward to watching these three grow up into friends. There will be a lot of mischief making that is for sure, and I am sure as they are getting older, maybe even a little protection of his girls by Patrick.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Toblerone Cheesecake

I found this recipe for Toblerone Cheesecake. It was delicious, not as good as the Mars Bar Cheesecake I make, but still, nothing can ever be perfect can it?

Toblerone Cheesecake

I packet Chocolate Ripple Biscuits
1/2 Cup Melted Butter
250g Cream Cheese
3 tsp Gelatine dissolved in boiling water
3/4 Cup Caster Sugar
1/2 Cup Cream
200g Toblerone Chocolate

1. Melt the butter.
2. Process the biscuits so they resemble fine crumbs.
3. Mix the melted butter and biscuits together. Press into a springform pan, covering the base of the pan and half way up the side of the pan. Put it in the fridge for approx 60 minutes to set.
4. Melt the toblerone chocolate.
4. Beat the cream cheese and sugar together. Add the gelatine, cream and melted toblerone chocolate. Mix together until combined.
5. Pour into the pan, cover with clingwrap and put it into the fridge overnight to set.

Before being set

Finished product

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It has taken a little bit of time but...

3 years ago Shane purchased me a Digital SLR for Christmas. It has taken me oh about 3 years and a couple of children to play around with some of the settings. Usually I would just edit photos on the computer. 

Well I discovered a few different settings on the camera and these are some of the pictures I took. 

My new favourite photo!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things in common.


I always wonder about what can be passed through with genetics.

I have learnt in the last 19 months that Olivia and Ava have 2 very important things in common with me.

1. The love of handbags;

2. The love of reading.

Olivia and her handbag
Ava reading

I know these are probably learnt behaviours, but in my eyes, a true lover of handbags and books must be genetic.

I am glad they have inherited these from me since they both are looking more and more like Shane every day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well it has been a while since I updated this part of my blog, so I thought what better way to update it than with a few snapshots of Christmas.

Santa left many exciting presents for our little family, all of which are now being enjoyed!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rediscovering the old and discovering the new.

Being a stay at home mum has allowed me to discover many things both old and new.

Here is a list of things I have discovered, or rediscovered in some cases.

1. My love of reading... I always have enjoyed reading but when you are busy working, sometimes reading would be the last thing on my mind. With the help of the Amazon Kindle that my lovely husband bought me for my birthday, I find myself sitting and reading while the girls are sleeping.

2. How good a cup of tea really is! I never used to drink a lot of tea, but when your day is going pear shaped, sometimes a cup of tea is all it takes to get it back on track again.

3. Everyone has a little bit of Martha Stewart in them! I am currently am making a quilt and have become a little baker. I love the smell of home made cookies, cake or a delicious dinner.

This post will be updated as often as I find new things to discover!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dreaded Winter...

With the girls being Born in May, the Winter of 2009 seemed to pass with little fuss. A few runny noses but certainly a blessing first Winter. This year, is a whole different story! It seems that the Winter of 2010 is to be that dreaded Winter where the girls are constantly sick. Cough, Cough, Cough has become the soundtrack in our house of late, both night and day! I am certainly looking forward to the end of Winter, no more runny noses, coughing and sneezing (One can only hope anyway!)

The other challenges that come along with Winter are those of trying to keep the girls warm enough, especially at night so they do not wake. I laugh because I wonder what is going to become of these girls. Are they going to feel the cold, love or hate the cold? I remember the advice I received.. 'dress the girls in one layer more than yourself'. Well somedays they tend to have the same number of layers that I have and don't seem to mind. I wonder often whether they are warm enough... they certainly can't tell me yet!

I look forward to the end of Winter, only a month to go (or thereabouts!) Bring on the cool mornings and warm Spring days!

Above: Olivia 13 Months

Above: Ava 13 Months

Looking Forward to Spring!